Friday, March 16, 2012

Rooftop Summer

Rooftop lounge/bars are back! the best thing about warm in DC is that you can find a nice rooftop lounge or bar and enjoy the spring/summer weather and the beautiful view of DC.  A few of my favorites below.

                                                                         Donovan House

Friday, March 2, 2012

My next gift to myself

If there is one thing you should know about me im a watch man, I believe every man should own and wear a watch it basically states that your in control of time.

Top 5: Drinks For Guys

Number 5

Bulleit Neat

Nothing says “brawny man” like a glass of bourbon. No ice, no frills just you and the drink. So, down it like man, slam your glass on the bar and order yourself another one.

Type of man it makes you: Get spied with a Bulleit Neat in your hand, and your image will scream, “Rugged Marlboro man.” 

Number 4

Billionaire’s Margarita

A manly twist on a “female” drink, a Billionaire’s Margarita is a delicious way to stay festive while still maintaining your macho reputation.

Type of man it makes you: What’s in a name? Absolutely everything. Order a Billionaire’s Margarita while decked out in your business wear and you’ll certainly look the part of the sophisticated and appealingly dangerous tycoon.

Number 3

A Hole in One

What makes a man a man? Why, his love of sport, of course. Order A Hole in One and you’ll be oozing with the manly athleticism that sets you apart from the rest of the bar crowd.

HoType of man it makes you: A Hole in One defines you as a country-club socialite, so why not play the part? Throw on your best polo shirt, and head to a swanky bar.

Number 2

Captain & Cola

Yes, you can still have a cola-inspired drink and show off your manliness -- as long as it’s mixed with something red-blooded, like rum.

Type of man it makes you: The Captain & Cola drinker is a man in charge; he’s sophisticated, he’s in control and all eyes are on him when he walks in the room. So, grab a Captain & Cola and try your dandiest to exude that persona.

Number 1

Dirty Martini

As demonstrated by James Bond, the Dry Martini is certainly a man’s drink. So, how can it can get any manlier? Make it a little “Dirty” and suddenly you have the words "vigorous" and "powerful" written all over you.

Type of man it makes you: If you dapple in the Dirty Martini, you’re definitely a man who appreciates the classics, but you aren’t afraid to try anything with a modern twist. This kind of diversity makes the Dirty Martini drinker an appealing, urban sophisticate.

The Park at Fourteeth

I will be in attendance tonight, one of the best clubs in DC.

Street Art

While walking i'm always noticing great art work here's piece from yesterday.

The Anatomy of an Alpha Male

We miss the days when all it took to woo a woman was a winning smile and a couple of witty one-liners. Life was simpler back then, back before scientists started to measure all the secret ways women size men up. Practically every week, a new study comes out that reveals another hidden method females use to pick potential partners from a crowded pack of men. And most of the time, we have no idea we’re even being judged. Case in point: According to new research in the journal Nature Communications, women rate guys with high levels of testosterone and stronger immune responses as more attractive.
Bet you didn’t know she finds your antibodies sexy, right? And wouldn’t it be great to know if you have other features that stealthily turn her on? Good news: You have plenty of them. Below are a list of things to let you know which of your body parts, gestures, and accessories scientifically stand out most to her. Starting with a dynamite immune system [1], here’s what you need to polish up before you hit the town tonight.

2. Your Five O’Clock ShadowKiss clean-shaven goodbye. In a study at Northumbria University, women rated pictures of men with light stubble as the most attractive, and said a man sporting it was the ideal romantic partner. Though women scored full beards highest in masculinity and aggression, fuzzy faces bottomed out as the least attractive.

3. Your Smooth BaritoneGentlemen, get your Barry White on. There’s a reason the soul master was a total ladies’ man—because his legendary low croon made women swoon. And you can do the same: According to a 2011 study in Memory & Cognition, women have a stronger preference for hearing a deep-voiced man talk.

4. Your Favorite FragranceMen who use cologne are more confident than those who don’t, says a University of Liverpool study. But the same study also found that when women simply see a man apply a scent, they consider him more attractive. Easy as that: Use a scent you like, and your confidence carries you.

5. Your Barren PitsListen, we’re not telling you to go underarm commando, but a new study out of the Czech Republic found that when ladies sniffed odor samples from shaved armpits and armpits with hair grown for 6 to 10 weeks, they liked the smell of hairless dudes better. It’s your call, but a couple of snips might not hurt (as long as you’re careful).

6. Your Loaded GunsBREAKING NEWS:  Big muscles carry big benefits—especially when it comes to the ladies. Research out of UCLA confirms that yes, women are indeed attracted to muscular guys. (We were shocked, too!) A series of six studies found that fit men are catnip to women looking for fun, and they have twice as many partners as average Joes and weaklings. Just one more reason to hit the gym.

7. Your Red AttireInject some rouge into your wardrobe. According to a study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, women are more attracted to dudes in red than any other color, finding them more attractive, powerful, and sexually desirable. Use a photo with a simple touch of red—a tie or a deep red button up under a blazer—to get her attention.

8. Your Ritzy RideProcuring a luxury sports car isn’t as easy as, say, buying a red shirt, but nevertheless: If you’re looking for a fling, zip around the block in a Boxster. In a 2011 study from the University of Texas at San Antonio, women were more likely to choose Porsche drivers for a date and less likely to choose them for marriage.

9. Your Firm Handshake
Strengthen your grip, stat. A good handshake isn’t a shortcut to her bed, but a bad one can doom you. Hands are loaded with tactile nerves, and people with weak, clammy handshakes were perceived as shy and neurotic in a University of Alabama study. So hold your drink in your left hand and give her a firm but not bone-crushing grasp. Pay attention to her grip as well: The same study showed that women who give firmer handshakes tend to be more adventurous.

10. Your Average PackageBelieve it or not, bigger doesn’t always mean better in the penis department. Women rate extremely long penises as less attractive than those of a more average length, according to a 2010 study in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. Unless you’re a member of the Red Hot Chili Peppers circa the early ’90s—Google it—this tip’s for the bedroom only.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Guy wisdom

10 Turing points to Celebrate in Life

1. The first time you see your father as a man, complete with flaws, unfulfilled dreams, and unchained lust. Your mission: Learn from him, but don't repeat after him.

2. The first time you stay out all night and see the sunrise. Freedom. Hope. Endless possibilities. Attack every dawn with that mix of surprise, awe, and optimism.

3. Your first paycheck. It gave you a one-two combination punch from the invisible hand of capitalism, the first being that yes, taxes suck. The second: This is not nearly enough dough. Both fueled your ambition to earn more zeros. And still should.

4. The first time you fight the Man and win. Who knew that Tom over in the passport office had the power to renew yours on the spot? Goliath, when properly motivated, will cradle David in his big paw.

5. Your first wedding as a groomsman. You looked your best, the free booze flowed, and you had that genuine pang of hope that someday you'd find the woman of your dreams—and that she might just be that hot bridesmaid dancing to "Baby Got Back."

6. The first time you dump a girl. It took balls to walk away from free nooky. Maybe you're stronger than you think.

7. The first time you're picked last. First thought: I suck. Second: I'll show them. That mojo can last a lifetime.

8. The first time you encounter mechanical failure in bed. Laugh it off, reboot, and spend the next hour pleasing her. She'll remember it as your best performance ever.

9. Your first medical scare. Next time you're in the drive-thru or at the gym, remember that panic.

10. The first time you talk your way out of a ticket. It teaches you that most cops are just trying to avoid pulling your ass out of yet another bloody wreck, and makes you accelerate more attentively next time. You just don't know what might be around that corner, do you?

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My next toy

The Olympus E-PL1 with a 42 mm lens, instead of taking pics with my phone this bad boy will make me look alittle more professional and provide me with some quality pics.

Carnival in Guyana

                                                 Annual carnival in my country Guyana

A quote from President Obama

Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it's not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won't. it's whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere.”

-Barack Obama

Breakfast of Champions

My Kinesis Training At Bowie Gold’s Gym

One of my favorite actors: Shia Labeouf

Action-hero wonder boy Shia LaBeouf has put aside childish things the late night car wrecks and gotten serious about his career. You might even say a little obsessive. Hence, his intense turn as a stock-possessed trader in the Wall Street sequel. And what should a guy like that wear? Clean, trim suits like these that no one would ever mistake for Gordon Gekko's.

Think outside the bucks